
  • Astro does deliver a great DX regardless of your level of experience, as building Astro components only really requires HTML and CSS.
  • Astro is UI-agnostic, meaning you can BYOF it and bring your own framework. They have official support for React, Preact, Solid, Svelte, Vue, and Lit. You can even mix and match different frameworks.
  • Astro shines with statically generated content. Even if there is no SSR or ISR like Next.js, Astro is considering per-page support for SSR in their 2022 Q4 roadmap.
  • Astro can ship ZERO JS (you’d be surprised how many things can be achieved with only HTML and CSS). Regardless if you need to introduce Astro Islands and UI frameworks, it loads 40% faster with 90% less JavaScript in comparison to modern frameworks.
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