Astro's Runtime APIs

Working with Astro’s toolbox

Astro’s Runtime APIs is what really brings all of its power together. For example, we have been using Astro.props all along to read all the attributes passed as component props. You can browse their documentation to learn more about their APIs, see API Reference.

For now, let’s introduce more of their APIs to build a Table of contents and a Side navigatation component.

Building a Table of contents

Astro.props is an object containing any values that have been passed as attributes. In addition to its frontmatter object, a Markdown layout will have access to the default props, such as url and headings among others (see Markdown Layout Props).

Excluding the frontmatter object, which we have already talked about, let’s log the entire Astro.props to understand how easy Astro makes this information available to use:

  file: '.../src/pages/docs/runtime-apis.mdx',
  url: '/docs/runtime-apis',
  content: {
    title: "Astro's Runtime APIs",
    category: 'Runtime APIs',
    file: '.../src/pages/docs/runtime-apis.mdx',
    url: '/docs/runtime-apis',
    astro: {}
  frontmatter: {...},
  headings: [
      depth: 1,
      slug: 'working-with-astros-toolbox',
      text: 'Working with Astro’s toolbox'
  'server:root': true

We can destructure the properties we need to access their values and work with them in a separate Astro component like this:

/** LAYOUT: /src/layouts/Page.astro */
import TOC from "../component/TOC.astro";
const { headings } = Astro.props;

<TOC headings={headings} />

/** COMPONENT: /src/components/TOC.astro */
import type { HeadingsType } from "../lib/types";
type Props = HeadingsType;

const { headings } = Astro.props;

    {{ slug, text }) => (
        <li><a href={`#${slug}`}>{text}</a></li>

Building a Side Navigation

For a side navigation, we do need to read all the files within a given folder in our project. In order to do that, Astro also offers another API for this purpose. Astro.glob() is the easiest way to load multiple files into your static site setup. It only takes a single parameter: a relative URL glob of which files you’d like to import.

Each of our /*.mdx pages has a title and a category. We’d like to group each page by category and display them in a component for navigation. Let’s take a look how we build a Side navigation component using

import type { MDXInstance } from "astro";
import type { DocsType } from "../lib/types";

const pages = (await Astro.glob("../pages/docs/*.mdx")) as Array<

const sortedPages = pages.sort((a, b) =>
    a.frontmatter.category.localeCompare(b.frontmatter.category, "en", {
        sensitivity: "base",

const categories = [ Set( => p.frontmatter.category)),

Once we have this information gathered, we can dynamically create a component mapping over our categories and creating children if they belong within that given category.

A huge thing to note is that Astro.glob() is a wrapper of Vite’s import.meta.glob() API, and it’s only available in /*.astro files. In case you need access to your files in other file extension types, you can always use Vite’s API (see Vite’s Glob Import).

That’s all there is to it, if you’d like to see the source code in more detail, feel free to check out: GH: Astro for Docs.

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